some birds are funny when they talk








Stuck in my Head
"Kiss Me Harder" by Bertine Zetlitz
"Hot" by Avril
"Brain Problem Situation" by They Might Be Giants

Now Reading
Number 9 Dream by David Mitchell
Hateship, Friendship, Courtship, Loveship, Marriage by Alice Munro

Recently Finished
A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius by David Eggers
Lonesome Dove by Larry McMurtry
Mad Tony and Me by Carl Hoffman
Sweet Soul Music by Peter Guaralnick
This Must Be The Place: Adventures of Talking Heads in the 20th Century by David Bowman
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Movies Lately
4 Months 3 Weeks 2 Days
Oscar Nominated Animated Shorts
Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert Tour
2 Days in Paris
United 93
The Savages
The Bourne Ultimatum
Sweeney Todd
The Departed
What Would Jesus Buy?
Ghost World
I'm Not There
She's The Man
Lars and the Real Girl
Romance and Cigarettes
No Country for Old Men
Into the Wild
I Want Someone to Eat Cheese With
Across the Universe

Shows Lately
Damo Suzuki/Stinking Lizaveta @ Mill Creek
Death and the Maiden @ Curio
Devon Sproule/Carsie Blanton/Devin Greenwood/John Francis @ Tin Angel
Assassins @ The Arden
Oakley Hall and the Teeth @ Johnny Brendas
Isabella and Flamingo/Winnebago and Map Me and Gatz and Songs of the Dragons Flying to Heaven and Sonic Dances and Strawberry Farm and The Emperor Jones and No Dice and Hearts of Man and Principles of Uncertainty and Isabella and BATCH and Addicted to Bad Ideas: Peter Lorre's 20th Century and Car and Sports Trilogy and Explanatorium and Wandering Alice and Must Don't Whip Um and Festival of Lies and A Room of Ones Own and Recitatif @ the Philadelphia Live Arts Festival/Philly Fringe
Martha Graham Cracker and Eliot Levin and Kilo etc. @ the Fringe Cabaret
Lullatone and Teletextile @ Boulder Coffee [Rochester]
TV Sound @ the M Room
Aretha Franklin @ East Dell, Fairmount Pk.
Romeo + Juliet in Clark Park
Daft Punk @ Red Rocks
Spoon @ Rockefeller Park
Ponytail at Pony Pants' House
Mirah/Benjy Ferree @ the 1UC
Tortoise @ World Cafe Live
Hall & Oates...ish
"Nuclear Dreams" - Mascher Dance Group, x2
The Four of Us @ 1812
Machines Machines Machines Machines Machines Machines Machines by Rainpan whatever
Mascher Dance Group/Nathaniel Bartlett
Cornelius @ TLA
Sloan @ World Cafe
In Fluxxxx
Slavic Soul Party!/Red Heart the Ticker @ I-House
the Fantasticks @ Mum
Peter Bjork + Jorn/Fujiya + Miyagi @ fkaTLA
John Vanderslice @ Johnny Brendas
The Books & Todd Reynolds @ 1UC
Into the Woods @ LPAC
The Fishbowl @ the Frear
Caroline, or, Change @ the Arden
Low & Loney, Dear. @ 1UC

Sunday, February 24

Yesterday (Saturday) was okay. I haven't kicked the sickness, but it never got to the point of being bothersome yesterday; I wasn't moving a whole lot for most of the day, and when I went out to dance I was happily unhindered by ickiness. Nice that it was for the most part limited to throat stuff (and to be sure I was quite croaky when I got home at around two), unlike Friday when it was threatening to spread to nose (Vicky was having that problem on stage; she resorted to wiping with back of hand a few times and I felt really sorry for her.) Well that was a pleasant introduction.

I let myself sleep until noon (unlike today, when I set an alarm for ten), then sat here and made a stickie to write lyrics for this song about Brigid that has been slowly evolving for a long time. It ended up quite a bit longer than I had plans, with each 'verse' having three distinct sections, plus an intro and an outro section which don't have music yet but should be somewhat different from the rest of the song. There's no chorus or repeated section, which I like, it's like a Shins tune. Joel compared it to Big Star when I played it for him. I don't have a title yet, but I'm thinking about "Word Games," since each verse is centered around a game: 'death hypothetical', housebox, "never have i ever," with also some scrabble and card references. Joel and I played around with that and with some of his tunes ("immortal billionaires are working on the problem.") I also got a bit of reading done and ate some interesting food (Nori came back from Chinatown with "bubble tea," which comes with an extra-wide straw so you can suck up the doughy brown balls) before leaving the house.

I called the shuttle at 6:15, but after it finally came we sat at Parrish circle for ten minutes while I hiccuped in the darkness, then eventually to ML at 6:40. But Alyssa wasn't there. Kate Duffy directed me to the breakfast room for sushi, but her roommate Kate and her friend were all set and didn't need my help. So I sat and read and enjoyed the nice ML people interacting; Joy, Amy, Elizabeth McDonald Liz Singreen and "Elizabeth's mama", Ross Messing, Duffy strolling oddly in and out again. After a few chapters I went to go chat with her, but Alyssa was home instead. She thinks Joel has gotten more cynical. We looked at Grünewald's Issenheim crucifixion. At eight we went back down for sushi, armed with chopsticks. They had made a goodly amount; pieces with shrimp and tuna, and rolls with cucumber, avocado, crabstick, tuna and others in all sorts of combinations, as well as sliced and chocolate-covered strawberries. Not the best (the seaweed was pretty hard), but fairly impressive for handmade. It's unsettling not to be the primary Ross of reference. As that ended, I decided to practice on the piano there rather than heading for campus. That was partly a bad idea, since I never practice as efficiently when there are other people in the room (even though it was just Joy Mills and some other guy working on masks for their dance-theatre class), but it was fun. I think the Bartok improved even so, and arpeggios. I played around with some new songwriting ideas, started improvising and realized that I should incorporate the blues and funk of my piano improv into my songwriting. So I tried a funky swung "mind games," which almost worked, and then a more successful version of the song that I'm on the verge of writing about doting. The shuttle appeared as I was heading back upstairs, so I went for that instead.

I was one of the first to arrive at the Paces Purim cocktail hour (after head jews Susan and Susannah,) but more people showed up almost immediately - Jess Sheldon, Wirzbicki, Jake and Andy, and they hadn't figured out the music yet, so we were just hearing the first minute or so of "Born to Run" repeated over and over. Doughy goodness hamentaschen, and dried apricots, grapes, chocolate orange. Then all kinds of my favorite people started showing up - Brigid, Zabby, Kate, and all the others - Stef and Jedd doing an over-emotive lipsynch to "Oh Darling" (which, appropriately, we had sung about Ester last weekend) - Ben photographing them, Nina and Adena (who I didn't get to talk to), Addie and Celia, Holts, Joel, Micah and gold-haired Jav (chatted about semantics). I asked Rae for something, and she handed me a Long Island Iced Tea; quite potent, and within a minute I was bawling and air-guitaring to "Bohemian Rhapsody" along with a tablefull of goofies (as Kara and Ted sat in the corner and smiled). Despite my intentions not to drink much due to being nominally under the weather, I had another (bay breeze) and another (improvised 7 and 7 with Jack Daniels instead of Seagrams 7, right?) and it felt pretty okay. I was never all that far gone, but it certainly made a difference. I helped them get some Lauryn Hill on the box, and soon we had a circle going in the center of the raised area (they had it excellently set up with tables around the edges and open space in the middle). If they had wanted to it could easily have gone all night, with just a better music setup. The group of people was terrific - all the people I like to see at Paces parties, plus twice as many more who never go to parties. And a lot of them stayed out, moving (as I did) down to Olde Club and the WRC, where as I had anticipated, one of the happeninest nights of party action was in full force. Upstairs was already pretty crowded when we got there, but downstairs was nice and open; plenty of space for Ben and I to go abstract around the painted poles. Both floors had excellent music - one off-campus and one on-, but both were spinning for real, albeit covering similar musical ground (awesome hip-hop, though downstairs was more techno at times and up threw in some reggae and dancehall stuff.) I danced with Morgan, Celia (to the amusement of her friends), Maria, Camilla (drunk; we had several interactions throughout the evening, at each of three parties, and maybe said more than we should about J and S), Rae (back in the basement; my most energetic, exhausting stint), but not Sara or Sarah. I ran into Liza, and we danced for many songs, but we stopped before things went too far (well, too far by my definition at that point in time). Alison and Lauren Appel in the basement ("get Ur freak on" minutes after Liza and I had upstairs; that song will always make me think of Addie Candib, with whom I danced to it at the formal; then he played a rather bizarre song looping "ass…titties…ass, ass…titties." okay.) And so I decided to head back, stopping to offer a shirt to half-naked Jocelyn.

Back past Willets, where Jarrett was sitting on the stoop like an oracle; puffing on his cig and then exhaling into a bubble wand, so that his large, grey bubbles smoked and evanesced on contact, really very beautiful. We stood in silence, then Brigid and Ali showed up, returned from the city, and we all dispersed. Today: reading, phil stuff(?) cab rehearsal, directing II scenes, inflight rehearsal (in preparation for Rose Tattoo this week.) Banana breakfast? Let's go see what's up.

I went down to the county drug store